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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Leading-Edge Analytics

AI and Analytics: The Rise of the Machines

We are headed toward a future populated with AI and machine learning, where machines take on more of the work people have traditionally done. What does that mean for the business analytics professional?

Data Digest: Data Science Security Hype, Lessons for SaaS, Private Cloud Drawbacks

Avoid overhyped security solutions, encourage new software adoption, and understand the private cloud.

Data Digest: Chief ML Officers, Future of Cloud, Saving Too Much Data

The prospect of chief machine learning officers, the future trends affecting data integration and cloud computing, and the problems with storing all data indiscriminately.

Migrate Data Without Holding Business Back

Migrating to the cloud can be simplified by data virtualization.

Top 5 Cloud Security Threats You Need To Understand

Data in the cloud is considered secure, but that doesn't mean you're safe from these five threats.

The Future of Big Data is Cloudy -- and Bumpy

Although 72 percent of companies are planning to deploy big data in the cloud, the migration path is not always smooth. These tips will help you avoid some common potholes.

Does Google's Cloud Spanner Database Cheat Space-Time?

Cloud Spanner, Google's globally distributed database, has been released. One expert says it even breaks the speed of light.

Data Digest: Big Data Ethics, Cloud Strategies, Data Science Careers

The ethical questions around profiling customers with big data, new business models enabled by cloud computing, and an infographic on data science career trends.

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