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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Leading-Edge Analytics

Data Digest: Advanced Analytics Applications in Healthcare

Analytics is used to predict staffing needs, track and analyze symptoms, and identify high-risk patients, but organizations must be wary of bias.

Don't Let Data Integration Be the Downfall of Your Cloud Data Lake

How to address the common challenges you'll face when moving data lakes to the cloud.

Data Digest: Applications for Real-Time Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Data Science

How enterprises are using real-time analytics, how distributors can use advanced predictions, and how brands can use data science.

Data Digest: Predictive Pitfalls, Data-Driven Hiring, Data Science Storytelling

Common mistakes with predictive analytics, how predictive analytics can improve staffing, and communication for data scientists.

CEO Perspective: Future Trends in BI and Analytics

What's hot now and what's ahead in BI and analytics? Matthew Scullion, Matillion CEO, offers his perspective.

Data Stories: Playing with Predictions

How might you predict the performance of a post or the outcome of a competition? Plus, exploring prediction performance after the fact.

Four Considerations for CIOs Moving Their Enterprise to a Hybrid Cloud Environment

Moving to the cloud need not be an all-or-nothing choice, as Bill Talbot, VP for solutions marketing at BMC, explains.

Four Reasons Data Lakes Are Moving to the Cloud

From managing complexity to increasing scalability, we offer four reasons your enterprise can benefit from moving your data lakes to a cloud platform.

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