An enterprise-grade, next-gen big data platform must exhibit five key capabilities and features in order to sustain innovation at the application layer.
- By Crystal Valentine
- August 29, 2016
This week, Teradata announced four new Analytics Accelerators for IoT and made good on a promise to port its Aster discovery platform to Hadoop -- and to Amazon's AWS.
- By Steve Swoyer
- August 26, 2016
These articles explain analytics that work across multiple storage solutions, how to structure a department to best support data scientists, and what to focus on when building scalable applications.
- By Quint Turner
- August 24, 2016
Because Spark can run independently of Hadoop, some see the two as competitors. However, these technologies can complement each other depending on enterprise needs.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- August 22, 2016
Spark is a hot topic right now. So hot, in fact, it's surpassed Hadoop as the open source technology with the most widespread appeal. Whether it can sustain this momentum is another matter.
- By Steve Swoyer
- August 22, 2016
Spark boasts a lot of processing power but still lacks maturity. There are difficulties in keeping it running, and its troubles with workload variety make it problematic for production applications.
- By Jake Dolezal
- August 19, 2016
Microsoft's new Power BI Embedded service gets at a significant issue for data management professionals: anemic BI uptake, what we could call BI disuse.
- By Steve Swoyer
- August 17, 2016
Gartner's Merv Adrian dropped a bombshell last month, predicting that Hadoop as we know it may soon cease to exist.
- By Steve Swoyer
- August 15, 2016