TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Managing Ethics for AI

Principles for ethical AI, avoiding bias in text analysis, more data ethics courses available.

Data Digest: Governance and Security for Modern Data

Planning strong data governance, securing connected devices, and using machine learning for security.

Long Live the Traditional Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is more than a storage repository. Don't lose sight of the benefits a traditional warehouse provides.

Data Digest: Reactions to Cambridge Analytica

Recent revelations about the use of personal data are affecting the data science and big data community.

Lessons from Facebook: Can We Defeat Databuse?

We in the information technology and data management disciplines must step up to an engaged and active role in educating the public and businesspeople who are not fully aware of the dangers of abuse of personal and related data.

Compliance Impediments for Government Data Centers

AI and big data can enhance an agency's system capabilities, but those systems must remain secure and optimally configured.

Data Digest: Understanding and Preparing for GDPR

Learn the basics of the upcoming data protection regulation, what the right to erasure is, and how the regulation could promote opportunities.

Enhance BI Delivery Using a New Framework

The Connected Architecture is one part of an approach to enhancing your BI delivery.

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