TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Understanding AI and Deep Learning, Applying Privacy and Security

Establishing the basics of AI and deep learning, how to protect privacy in AI training data, and how deep learning can affect security.

CEO Perspective: Are You Ready for the Cloud?

Rob Woollen, CEO and cofounder of Sigma Computing, explains why there's no doubt the cloud is in your future.

AI's Impact on Coronavirus

AI is on the front line of the fight against coronavirus. From initial detection and forecasting its spread to efforts to flatten the curve and develop a vaccine quickly, AI is accelerating the fight in dozens of ways.

Data Management During and After Coronavirus

Coronavirus will challenge business strategists and data architects to juggle a range of unique circumstances over the coming year and beyond.

Eight Ways Data Governance Builds a Positive Company Culture

Data governance isn't just about keeping your enterprise in compliance with regulations. It can benefit your organization in eight important ways.

Data Digest: Advice for CIOs and Applying Graphs for Compliance

Why modern CIOs must balance tech with business and encourage new practices, and how graph databases can track company ownership.

Hidden Data Combinations and Facing the Challenge of CCPA

Do you know whether your data violates CCPA? Integris Software CEO Kristina Bergman recently shared with Upside some best practices regarding sensitive data.

Sending Workers Home May Expose Companies to Data Risks; Dramatic Rise in VPN Use May Help

IAITAM warns that even companies that send employees home with proper safeguards face challenges; personal phones and computers may make them "sitting ducks." Fortunately, Atlas VPN has noted a dramatic rise in VPN use.

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