TDWI Articles

Benefits and Best Practices for Data Virtualization in the Real World

Ralph Aloe, director of enterprise information management at Prudential Financial, Inc., explains how his enterprise put data virtualization to use, including how the technology fits in with their data fabric, benefits they enjoyed, and lessons they learned.

Data Digest: How COVID-19 Is Changing Work

The coronavirus pandemic is driving digital transformation, new data strategies, and analytics trends.

Building a Data-Driven Culture in Your Enterprise: Introducing the 4 Pillars

As a CDO, you can enable effective monetization of your enterprise data and develop a data-driven culture by paying attention to these four critical areas.

Data Digest: Shadow IT and the Pandemic

How shadow IT has increased and how to handle it.

How to Guard Against Governance Risks Due to Shadow IT and Remote Work

These three principles can help you establish better security and governance in your enterprise.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights

Adopting AI can affect not just your workers but how you deal with privacy and discrimination issues.

CEO Perspective: Data Privacy

How are enterprises coping with the changing data privacy landscape, what challenges are they facing, and what new regulations are ahead? Daniel Barber, co-founder and CEO of privacy platform DataGrail, shares his thoughts with Upside.

Data Digest: Pandemic Predictions, Dashboards, and Data Security

A new coronavirus risk model, a data scientist fired for her predictions, and how to improve data security for remote workers.

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