TDWI Articles

Smart Things, Dumb Data

Just because devices collect data doesn't mean we can use it. Why data from IoT devices needs to be standardized.

Data Digest: Data Lakes versus Streams, Legal and Security Problems for Big Data

Read about the relative benefits of data lakes and data streams, how to avoid discriminatory results in big data analytics, and how to improve security for your big data environment.

Data Digest: Secure IoT Devices, Create Big Data Strategy, Lead an IoT Project

Learn how to protect your enterprise from growing IoT security issues, how to create a big data strategy, and 10 things to consider when leading an IoT project.

Data Digest: Data Storytelling, Open Source Security, Shadow IT

Learn 4 best practices for data storytelling, how to manage legal and security dangers with open source software, and how properly monitored “shadow IT” can actually benefit your enterprise.

Data Digest: Protect Your Enterprise and Understand the Cloud

Learn how to protect your enterprise from shadow IT solutions, how to secure your network by securing your endpoints, and how to evaluate the full value of cloud computing.

Merging Multisource Customer Data

Finding common attributes to join customer data across multiple data sources is extremely important, but it can be time consuming and challenging. Thankfully, there are methods and tools that can help in this process.

Data Digest: Cybersecurity, Modern BI Solutions, Basics of BI

Learn 6 steps to better data security, what to consider in advanced BI tools, and the fundamental strengths and weaknesses of BI.

Data Preparation: Advanced Analytics to the Rescue

Demand is growing for faster, more dependable data preparation. According to a recent survey by TDWI, professionals believe there is plenty of room for improvement.

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