TDWI Articles

Big Data

Data Digest: Fostering AI Start-Ups, Managing Risk and Cost with Predictive Analytics

A new program to help AI start-ups, how predictive analytics manages industrial risk, and how predictive analytics might cut costs for healthcare organizations.

Success in Omnichannel Marketing Depends on Analytics

It's not enough to have a single customer view, even one compiled from numerous customer channels. You must also expand marketing via advanced analytics.

Data Digest: Data Science Communication, Quality, and Storytelling

Understand the importance of communication skills and data quality for data science and big data.

Data Digest: Sentiment Analytics, Big Data in Energy, IoT on Farms

The latest on AI-driven sentiment analytics, how big data is optimizing energy use, and how IoT devices are affecting food regulations.

Where Everybody Knows More Than Just Your Name

Facial recognition technology allows us to recognize prospects and link them to our customer data warehouses while potentially providing an additional data source.

The New Ethics of Data Management

The hunger for profit is driving the convergence of the digital and physical worlds, which raises some deeply disturbing privacy implications.

Why Truly Diverse Teams Create Better Analytics

Bias is everywhere -- even in analytics. The best way to control for bias is to incorporate a diversity of experiences and perspectives in the teams we use to design and maintain predictive, machine learning, and AI systems.

Understanding the Health of Financial Markets Through Semantic Technology

Understanding the interconnection of data through graph and semantic technology will allow us to detect complex problems and enable new use cases.

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