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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Q&A: Lessons Learned from Enterprise Analytics

Three IBM analytics experts examine how IBM has leveraged the technology in enterprises around the world. In this interview, they explore the lessons learned and challenges BI professionals face in their analytics journey.

Q&A: Advanced Data Visualization: From Atomic Data to Big Data

How is information overload converging on real-time decision making? Andrew Cardno, a data visualization expert at AmericanKiwi LLC, shares his perspective.

Big Data and the Midmarket: Identifying and Overcoming the Top Challenges

We examine three key obstacles that stand between midmarket companies and successful big data initiatives.

Agile Business Intelligence: Leaving the Comfort Zone

To reap the rewards of agile, you'll need to take some risks.

Q&A: The Four Pillars of Agility

Agile is simple but not easy, says chief systems architect Ralph Hughes. He examines the techniques and technologies that can eliminate miscommunications and wasted efforts that often undermine DW/BI development projects.

Modern BI: Performance, Services, and Information

Understanding how business intelligence delivers value can help us cut through hype, evolve our BI programs, and impact business performance.

BI Tools and Data Responsibility

Although well-managed, integrated environments are still important, modern BI tools will need to get data from a variety of sources, not just those sanctioned and blessed by IT.

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