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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

DataFlux Puts a Data Quality-Centric Spin on Customer Data Integration

Data quality specialist sees CDI as an evolutionary extension of bread-and-butter data management.

SQL Server 2005 Taking the Fight to the Business Intelligence Pure Plays

Some SQL Server shops already expect to replace BI pure play tools with SQL Server’s native BI functionality.

TDWI Conference Kernels: Monday Keynote on Extending BI Architectures with Enterprise Integration Technology

When the Group Chief Architect for ING talks, TDWI attendees listen.

Oracle’s Action-Packed Fortnight

It was a busy fortnight for Oracle, which completed its acquisition of Siebel, shipped new releases of Application Server 10g and JDeveloper 10g, and announced two new acquisitions, to boot.

Business Objects Goes Deep; Its Competitors Go Wide

Depending on how you look at it, Business Objects either threw down a gauntlet or manufactured a heck of a controversy. You decide which.

Best of Breed: Have Reports of Its Death Been Greatly Exaggerated?

If the all-in-one BI platform is the thing, why aren’t best-of-breed vendors quaking in their Aeron chairs? Do they know something you don’t?

Gartner Says Rip Roaring Business Intelligence Growth Just Ahead

BI software market should amount to $2.5 billion this year—and reach $3 billion by 2009.

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