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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Informatica’s Software-as-a-Service Gambit

Hail Mary or Hail Abbasi: Is Informatica’s come-to-SaaS moment a case of a vendor leading the market by its nose?

SAS Jumps Into the Performance Management Fray

SAS’ PM platform release gathers together—under one big proverbial tent—several PM products it has marketed for years.

IBM Acquires Yet Another Business Intelligence ISV

Unicorn’s technology will help beef up the SOA and MDM capabilities of Big Blue’s WebSphere and Rational product families.

TDWI Conference Kernels: a Data Strategy Survival Guide

If your company lacks a data strategy, can you really reap the benefits of business intelligence?

Exeros Touts an Rx for Metadata Babel

How can companies automate the heavy lifting of metadata integration and entrust the rest to domain experts who really know the data?

Enterprise Information Integration: Lead-Pipe Cinch or Pipe Dream?

Is EII a lead-pipe cinch or a lead-pipe dream?

Microsoft 'Coopetates' With Hyperion

Just because Microsoft is now a business intelligence player doesn’t mean it can’t "coopetate", so to speak, with the best of them.

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