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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Business Itelligences Gang of Three

What do Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP have going for them, and where do they need to improve if they’re to tackle the best-of-breeds?

PerformancePoint a Tougher Sell than Anticipated?

Don’t look now, but Office and Excel are shaping up as PerformancePoint Server’s biggest competition.

SAP and the Strategy Management Game

So much for SAP not being willing to spend, at least at a pace with rival Oracle Corp., to acquire talent and technology.

The SAP Partnering Strategy: Keep Disparate Friends Close

Keep your friends close and your partners closer, as it were.

Separation of Powers: Drawing the Data Viz Divide

What qualities help separate best-of-breed data visualization offerings from their general purpose competitors?

Data Visualization Goes Mainstream?

BI-er beware: having a dashboard isn’t the same thing as having data visualization technology, much less a data visualization strategy.

Tips and Tales of the IT-Business Gulf

You don’t need a roadmap to find the IT-Business Gulf. Just walk down the hall or pick up the phone; someone in an office near you can elaborate.

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