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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

BI: Green Data and Marketing Spin

The parade of "green" data has arrived -- though most of it is one marketing pitch after another. Meanwhile, real problems and likely solutions stay on the sidelines.

ChartSearch: Information Is Out There

Even though BI search is an established technology, information retrieval problems still plague many organizations. ChartSearch says it can help.

TDWI Audio Report: How New Technologies Affect ETL

ETL technology has certainly not been stagnant, and neither have the many technologies surrounding it. Sweeping changes in users, technology, and culture have affected how this tool is used and by whom. We talk with Arman Eshraghi, CEO of LogiXML, about what ETL users need to know about how changes to technology have affected ETL.

BI Players Forge Roads into the Mid-Market

Is the industry delivering tools that make it easier for mid-market customers to take the BI plunge? The answer: absolutely.

Four Steps to Effective Performance Management

By following a four-step process, organizations can embark on an effective performance management journey that begins with reporting and adds more core BI capabilities for enterprise-wide integration.

Mid-Market Improvements Benefit All BI Users

When BI vendors target small-and-medium-sized enterprise customers, the mid-market isn't the only segment that benefits

Mandatory Use of XBRL May Bring Benefits to BI Reporting

Time to get compliant: industry watchers see XBRL adoption as a fait accompli

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