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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Analysis: Data Quality is Job Number 1

BI tools are only as good as the quality of the data they work with. Analyst Michael Schiff is still surprised at how many BI professionals still ignore this fact.

Microsoft's PerformancePoint Shake-up

Why did Microsoft shuffle PerformancePoint Server into its SharePoint Server group, and how will the shake-up affect customers?

Data Quality Management: Getting More from Your Business Intelligence Investment

Data quality can put your organization on the defense or offense depending on how well you manage it.

In Tough Economy, Vendors Stress Value

BI vendors have remarkably self-serving views on how and where your company should direct its IT dollars in these tough economic times.

Analysis: Commoditizing Analytics

Can analytics be a commodity? LucidEra's Pipeilne Healthcheck evaluates a company's sales process in 48 hours. Some experts say it's the new face of analytics.

IBM Cognos Introduces All-in-One Business Intelligence Solution for Retailers

A punishing business climate provides an opportunity of sorts -- for companies willing to grasp it.

Question and Answer: Building Simpler Data Bridges with Open Source and Software as a Service

What’s driving the interest in software as a service, and how can the right integration solution move the integration process out of IT and into the hands of tech-savvy business analysts?

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