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 See the most recent articles below.

Convergence of Big Data, Cognitive Analytics, and the Internet of Things

The generation of big data may be growing exponentially and advancing technology may allow the global economy to store and process ever greater quantities of data, but there may be limits to our innate human ability—our sensory and cognitive faculties—to process this data leveraging Internet of Things.

The Changing Face of Geospatial Analytics

Why geospatial and IoT are an important part of big data's evolution.

The MPP Data Warehouse Takes to the Cloud

MPP data warehouse services from both Snowflake Computing and Teradata available on AWS.

Data Digest: Big Data for Small Business, Accelerating IT, and Monitoring Threats

Articles offer suggestions for SMEs for getting started with big data, plus how to speed up IT and best practices for monitoring security.

Data Digest: Simplifying Big Data, Advancements in Security, and Choosing What Data Is Shared

Major advancements in cloud-based IP security solutions, plus simplifying big data and choosing what data is kept private and what is shared.

Data Digest: Recovery's 3-2-1 Rule, Industrial Analytics, Capturing More Insight

Basic backup technique with great results, capitalizing on industrial analytics' BI potential, and how to free your data to capture more insight

Big Data is About to Get a Lot Bigger

Three critical factors are driving the exponential growth of data. Is "big" too small a word to describe what's happening?

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