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 See the most recent articles below.

Q&A: Women's Elite Cycling Team Uses Analytics to Put Them Ahead of the Curve

The use of advanced analytics in professional sports is still in its infancy, but a U.S. women's pro cycling team is analyzing its data to improve results.

BI Platforms Vie for Agile Bragging Rights

Mirror, mirror, on the wall: which is the most agile BI platform of all?

Data Digest: Big Data Efficiency, Compliance and Security, and Big Data and DevOps

Ensuring your big data use is efficient, plus the difference between security and compliance and how making use of big data intertwined with DevOps.

Data Digest: Big Data Biases, New Face of Data Storage, and Anti-Virus Vulnerability

The FTC's newest report warns of biases creating in to affect analysis, plus changes in data storage and vulnerabilities in anti-virus software.

Data Digest: What Data Scientists Do, plus Data Storage Trends and Asking the Right Questions

What's the role of a data scientist, plus storage trend predictions and analytics means asking the right questions.

Data Digest: Big Data's Teenage Years, Big Data Predictions, and Updating Business Processes

Has big data grown up too fast? Plus, industry predictions about what's ahead for big data in 2016 and the importance of securing seemingly safe business processes.

Q&A: Tremendous Benefits Ahead in the Internet of Things

Connecting physical objects such as sensors and other devices offers great promise -- including analytics that can be performed on the collected data.

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