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 See the most recent articles below.

Question and Answer: Data Mining for the Masses?

SAS, SPSS, and others say they’re making the Gandalf-the-White world of data mining more accessible— call it data mining for the masses.

Can Data Quality Elude Commoditization?

It’s tempting to think of data quality as a soon-and-inevitably-to-be-commoditized technology segment. But think again.

Dynamic Duo? Microsoft and SAP Preview Mendocino Technologies

When it debuts, Mendocino will more tightly couple Office with SAP. But don’t look for it before this summer.

Here at Last: Innovative Touts Tightly Coupled Data Management Suite

The revamped i/Lytics is a solid release on the whole—but analysts say Innovative shouldn’t rest on its laurels.

And the Biggest Business Intelligence Development of 2005 Is...

Some say dashboards; others master data management; still others tout the maturation of integrated business intelligence suites. But beneath all that is a powerful undercurrent.

SWOT: Business Objects and MySQL Expand Their Partnership

Business Objects extends open arms to MySQL; but ‘coopertition’ must be carefully played.

Business Objects Goes Back to the (MySQL) Well

MySQL gives Business Objects a cost-effective alternative to IBM, Microsoft, and others. This isn’t an unalloyed good, however.

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