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 See the most recent articles below.

Future Focus of the Web: AJaX All The Way

For a product like WebFocus, support for that most coruscating of new Web app dev paradigms—AJaX—was a foregone conclusion.

Open Source Business Intelligence: JasperSoft Ups the Ante

JasperSoft last week took its open source BI proposition to the next level, announcing new BI server and analytic components.

Panorama Sez, What, Me Worry?

Panorama officials cite a healthy market for high-end SQL Server BI, and talk up the company’s SAP diversification strategy.

Believe It: Google Will Change Business Intelligence

Search might not change everything, but—for BI vendors, at least—it has the potential to be hugely transformative, if not disruptive.

What is a Customer?

Data Objects Data Standards and Master Data Management

You can only get the most out of your data warehouse if you have a uniform understanding of your data. Such fields as "customer" must mean the same to all business units. We explain what data standards are and why they are key to your success.

What’s That? Business Intelligence Without the High TCO?

Some industry watchers feel the time might be right for SaaS BI—particularly in the SMB segment.

SAS Emphasizes Data Integration Strengths

SAS—the data mining and analysis specialist-cum-BI power—left little doubt about its strategy in the data integration space.

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