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 See the most recent articles below.

Data Visualization Goes Mainstream?

BI-er beware: having a dashboard isn’t the same thing as having data visualization technology, much less a data visualization strategy.

Tips and Tales of the IT-Business Gulf

You don’t need a roadmap to find the IT-Business Gulf. Just walk down the hall or pick up the phone; someone in an office near you can elaborate.

Business Objects’ Data Integration Coup

Business Objects—the industry’s Accidental Data Integration vendor—continues to flex its muscles.

When Right Time Isn’t Real Time Enough

The bottom line: companies need to figure out a "right time" window that’s right for them.

As Right Time Approaches Real Time Data Integration Is Key

At bottom, real-time is a data integration problem: it involves getting fresh data to business users as rapidly as possible.

Cognos Acquisitions Bear Fruit

Cognos debuts branded dashboard appliance, revamped Controller software

The Power of Focus: Building Information

Information Builders touted new WebFOCUS enhancements at its annual user confab – and hinted of next-gen goodies in WebFOCUS 8.

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