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Question and Answer: Text Mining and Analytics Draw Interest

Text mining can turn text into gold

Mike Schiff

Don't Let Technology Standards Constrain Innovation

Standards are desirable and beneficial, but don't let them become so restrictive that they discourage the investigation of new technologies.

Kognitio Stays True to Row-Based Databases

At a time when some in the industry have gone columnar crazy, Kognitio plans to stay true to what works in database technology.

Using Business Intelligence to Assess Business Intelligence: The Efficacy Conundrum

Some adopters seem disinclined to use BI technologies to assess the efficacy of their business intelligence and data warehousing practices.

SwiftKnowledge Updates Web Based Business Intelligence, Analytics Technology

New version emphasizes structured, unstructured data integration

Question and Answer: Data Visualization Offers Rich Views

Layered data visualization includes a look at outliers.

Analytics Trends Play to Hewlett-Packard's Strengths

HP officials cite a number of advanced analytic trends that they claim play directly to their strengths.

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