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 See the most recent articles below.

The Growing Case for Third-Party Data

Far from being a complementary or nonessential data management option, third-party data can become a competitive differentiator.

Q&A: Basic Business Intelligence Takes Step-by-Step Approach

A consultant offers BI basics for executives, project managers, and developers.

Boomi AtomSphere Summer '10 Delivers Community-Driven Suggestion Wizard for Application Integration

New release showcases the advantages of multi-tenant SaaS

Can Data Integration be Agile?

Methods for agile software development have been around for ten years, and for the last couple of years they’ve been penetrating projects for business intelligence (BI), data warehousing (DW), and data integration (DI).

Top Tips for Effective Data Integration

A new report breaks the hard problem of data integration down into an easily-digestible checklist of ten DI recommended practices.

Q and A: Agile Data Warehousing

We explore the difference “agile” makes in your data warehouse.

Q and A: Business Intelligence Architecture in an Agile Environment

What role does BI architecture play in an agile environment?

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