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 See the most recent articles below.

Increase BI Adoption by Embedding BI in Everyday Apps

Try as they might, organizations haven't been able to push BI adoption beyond 25 percent. JasperSoft's Karl van den Bergh has a theory to explain the situation.

A Dark Side of the Cloud: Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Why enterprises must have contingency plans for their data before moving to the cloud.

BackOffice Associates Releases Data Stewardship Platform, Application Suite

Provides accelerated, comprehensive approach to data quality management and data migration.

Datawatch Updates Focus on Big Data

Solutions provide speed, security, simplified access to big data variety for more enterprise users.

Project Management: Do Less by Committing to More

Agile leaders focus more on the continuous delivery of high-priority value to business stakeholders and less on making sure each worker is always busy. We explain how your BI program will benefit by limiting developer multi-tasking.

Q&A: Large-scale ETL Driving Hadoop Projects

The need for large-scale ETL drives many Hadoop implementations. However, despite its powerful utilities and massive scalability, Hadoop alone lacks enough functionality for enterprise ETL, argues Syncsort's Jorge A. Lopez.

Big Data: What Your Colleagues Are Doing

How are enterprises adopting big data and what challenges do they face?

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