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 See the most recent articles below.

The Year in BI and Data Warehousing

It was a year like no other for BI professionals. We highlight a few of the major events and trends of 2013.

Q&A: Making Good Use of Analytics in Higher Ed

Tech leaders at Arizona State University and the University of Arizona explain the rewards of using analytics well.

Data Governance: Decision Rights Not Decision Avoidance

Why enterprises need to create agility while managing risk.

Best Practices for Big Data Management

A new TDWI report outlines a best practices approach to big data management.

3 Use Cases for Hybrid Cloud BI and Analytics

Many companies, large and small alike, are already using some kind of hybrid approach to cloud BI -- even if they don't think they are.

How to Avoid the Allure of Shiny BI Objects

Education and critical analysis, according to TDWI World Conference keynote speakers Marc Demarest and Mark Madsen, are the best tools with which to keep vendors honest -- and to combat hypermarketeering.

IBM Neo Heats Up Competition in BI Search

IBM's project Neo is heating up competition in BI search and cloud BI.

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