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"Data Driven" Requires Good Data Management

From a business perspective, big data it is about competing on analytics and making the entire organization more data driven. We explore two key points organizations seeking to become more data-driven should address.

Marketing IT In-House: The Role of Failure in BI Success

Welcome failure as a source of feedback that leads to success.

Data Integration and Analytic Heterogeneity

If you want to understand data integration in an age of analytic heterogeneity, you must follow the process: process movement, not data or workload movement, is where it's at.

Teradata Gets Unorthodox

At TDWI's recent Executive Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada, Teradata veteran Dan Graham got downright heretical, at least from the perspective of data management orthodoxy. The problem, Graham argued, is that DBAs tend to be a little bit too conservative, too orthodox. That must and will change, he says.

Effecting Change with an Analytics Proof of Value

Having all the data can't help your company improve its overall operations. To drive and maintain BI adoption, an organization you must understand that change must be managed through three stages in five simple steps.

Business-Driven Data Warehouse Architectures

The evolution TDWI is seeing in data warehouse architectures is due in part to evolving business practices and goals.

Q&A: Are You Ready for Business-Driven BI?

What is business-driven BI, what technologies are driving it, and which has the most impact on business leaders?

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