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Machine Learning Made Simple?

Skytree says its Infinity machine-learning platform picks up where BI leaves off.

Your Data Scientist IQ

What are data scientists, what do they do, and what skills do they have?

The Language of Data Visualization

Data visualization helps you communicate analytics results in pictures. It's become a language of images. We explore the elements and rules of the data visualization language so you can speak it better.

Maximizing Big Data's Value by Asking the Right Questions

How BI is built and managed just isn't consistent with the way it's used. Are we about to reprise the exact same mistakes in the world of big data (mis)management?

Q&A: The Seven Metrics of Highly Successful EDW Programs

How can you measure the success of your enterprise data warehouse initiative? Ralph Hughes has devised a concise set of seven factors to evaluate.

An Introduction to Data Wrangling

What is data wrangling and why does it matter? Think of it as data preparation taken to the next level. To learn more, we turned to data-wrangling upstart Trifacta.

Analytics, Voting Habits, and Consumer Buying Habits

Although voters and consumers may often act the same, the analytics used to examine their behavior is vastly different.

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