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 See the most recent articles below.

Data Digest: Big Data Quality, not Quantity; Smart Options for Data Retention

Big data is more than about quantity, plus how to choose a data retention strategy.

Text Analytics: Beyond Parsing

Text-analytics and natural-language processing technologies can help with the NoSQL tsunami -- but not all such products are the same.

Busted: The Business Intelligence Industry's Biggest Myth

Self-service is one of the hottest terms in business intelligence). Unfortunately, it's also one of the most misunderstood.

Innovations in Publishing Analytics Creating Revenue Opportunities

Innovations in applied analytics enabled by data technologies are showing potential for increasing digital revenue -- and audiences.

Data Digest: Long-Distance Agility, Predictive Analytics, and Data Policy

Keeping your enterprise trustworthy with the right data policy, keeping development agile with teams are far apart, and having a plan and purpose in mind with predictive analytics.

Data Digest: Good Data Organization Pays Off Big, Pervasive BI Needs Governance, and Keep IT Up to Date

Keep IT staff trained, your data organized, and data access under control.

Q&A: How Hadoop Blew Open the Door to Next Generation of Computing

A paper in the early 2000s about Google MapReduce helped to democratize distributed computing. A veteran of the industry discusses that time and the huge changes that continue to unfold today.

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