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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

The 10 Vs of Big Data

Big data goes beyond volume, variety, and velocity alone. You need to know these 10 characteristics and properties of big data to prepare for both the challenges and advantages of big data initiatives.

Data Digest: Spotting Fake Data, Seeking Data Science Truth, Blockchain 101

A new class on recognizing fake or distorted data, why data science needs transparency, and the basics of the blockchain distributed database.

What's Next for Your Customers?

Marketing is evolving from communication to the masses to communication to the one. By using a recommendation engine, you can determine the next best step for each customer journey and use that to increase customer loyalty and revenue.

Data Digest: Predictive Analytics Benefits, Predictive Challenges, Unstructured Data Security

Learn the basic concepts behind predictive analytics, 14 challenges facing predictive analytics, and 5 ways to improve unstructured data security.

Use a Hadoop-based Data Lake to Empower New Best Practices for Business Analytics

To get full business value from big data and other new data sources, many organizations use a data lake atop Hadoop to capture, process, and manage diverse data at scale for business analytics.

Three Paths to Value in Data Science

Organizations are using many strategies to gain bottom-line value from big data and data science. Three major trends stood out in TDWI's recent research.

Data Stories: Global Technology Trends and Smartphone Use

Explore the digital divide between countries at different income levels, understand Internet growth in America, and find out how long it takes to read terms and conditions for smartphone apps.

The Future of Text Analytics

As enterprises look to put their best foot forward in 2017, many are increasingly turning to text analysis to improve customer experiences and business processes.

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