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Analytics of Things - Changing Your World and Making the Move to Mobile Analytics

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Dear Toronto/GTA Chapter BI/DW and Analytics Professionals, 
We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming TDWI Toronto/GTA Chapter meeting on June 28, 2018. Come meet other local professionals, swap business cards, share ideas, and exchange career advice while listening to quality presentations in a vendor-neutral setting, which is the hallmark of TDWI education. Our speakers will be DW/BI end-users reporting on their success and lessons learned implementing various BI tools or projects. Please see our detailed meeting agenda below.


Thursday June 28, 2018, 8:30 am – 11.30 a.m.


CBC Broadcasting Centre
250 Front Street West, Ground Floor 
(Enter via Front Street or Wellington Street)
Toronto, ON


1) Analytics of Things - Changing Your World  
2) Making the Move to Mobile Analytics 

Click here to register for the next upcoming event

8:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Networking and Registration

9:00 – 9:15 a.m.

Introductions and Chapter Business

9:15 – 10:15 a.m.

Presentation: Topic #1  Internet of Things – Changing your World
We can measure everything in infinite detail today. Analyzing the detail allows us to create new products, services and business models. The ability to automate at an unprecedented level based on the measurements and analysis creates a whole new set of opportunities. With opportunity comes disruption - perhaps the biggest disruption of existing business since the industrial revolution. To realize the opportunities and avoid becoming obsolete requires a data-centric and analytic centric view of your business. We will discuss what data centricity means in today’s world of vast quantities of measurement data and how crucial it is to avoid siloed, segmented data in the age of Analytics of Things.

10:15 –10:30 a.m.

Break and Networking  

10.30 -11.15 am

Presentation: Topic #2  Making the move to Mobile Analytics 
Environics Analytics’ Paul Tyndall, Vice President of Strategic Projects, will provide an overview to help marketers develop fuller profiles of their patrons and create better customer experiences. Combining the best practices in processing spatial data with privacy-friendly lifestyle segmentation, our mobile analytics allows businesses, not-for-profits and municipalities to identify who is visiting their locations, where they are coming from, how frequently they visit and how often they visit competitors. By quantifying how their trade areas and visitor profiles shift by time of day and day of week, organizations can better align their products, marketing and staffing by location. Identify Consumer Travel Patterns—Any Day, Any Time, Anywhere.

11.15 – 11.30 am.

Q&A and Wrap Up

Click here to register for the next upcoming event

Space is limited so sign up early! 

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To contact a Chapter officer, click on name of the officer located on the top right hand column of this page.
Bios of Presenters
Presenter #1. Todd Walter is the Chief Technologist for Teradata across the Americas region. With substantive expertise in big data, database engineering and systems architecture, he works closely with Teradata customers, colleagues, and alliance partners to implement data strategy and analytics. As a pragmatic visionary, Walter helps business leaders, analysts and technologists better understand all of the astonishing possibilities of big data and analytics in view of emerging and existing capabilities of information infrastructures. Todd works with organizations of all sizes and levels of experience - from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies - at the leading edge of adopting big data, data warehouse and analytics technologies.

Presenter #2.  As Vice President, Strategic Projects, Paul Tyndall helps the team at Environics Analytics bring new product and service offerings to market. Paul has more than 20 years of experience working with data and analytics. Most recently, Paul led analytics, campaign design and member insights at Meridian Credit Union. Prior to that, he spent almost 10 years at RBC Royal Bank where he managed the modelling and segmentation team and oversaw the delivery of data-driven client knowledge and insights.

Upcoming Meetings 2018


NEXT upcoming meeting  Sept 20, 2018
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 Thanks in advance,
The Toronto Chapter Executive Team

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