KNIME Updates Solution Pair

Open source KNIME expands Python and Snowflake integrations.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

KNIME, the data analytics company, has released updates to its open source KNIME Analytics Platform (4.6.0) and commercial KNIME Server (4.15). With these releases, KNIME reinforces its open source story, giving individuals and teams the integrative environment to stay on the bleeding edge of innovation and to future-proof their technology investments. This approach empowers data experts to work in any scripting language and access virtually every relevant data source and analytic library or technique.

Highlights of the KNIME software release include:

Improved Python Integration

This release marks two major updates to the Python Integration. First, it’s now easier to code in Python within KNIME. Whether writing a script in Python or sharing that script with a colleague, users can code directly in KNIME without worrying about installing additional software, allowing for better user experience and agility. Second, Python programmers can now build and share new KNIME nodes entirely in Python. With Python being the preferred scripting language for many data scientists, this update makes it easier to build in custom functionality and, in the long term, will accelerate community-driven innovation. It also gives data scientists not experienced in Python the ability to leverage Python nodes coded by their colleagues within KNIME workflows with ease. For a full list of included Python packages, see the KNIME Python Integration Guide.

Improved Snowflake Integration

Users can now build machine learning models in using Snowflake data in KNIME Analytics Platform and push the model down to Snowflake for execution. This means by using KNIME’s intuitive low-code/no-code interface, business users with little experience can make much faster predictions on large volumes of data without ever moving data out of Snowflake. To learn more, see the KNIME Snowflake Extension Guide.


KNIME helps individuals and organizations make sense of data. It bridges the worlds of dashboards and advanced analytics through an intuitive interface, appropriate for anybody working with data. It empowers more business experts to be self-sufficient and more data experts to push the business to the bleeding edge of modern data science, integrating the latest AI and machine learning techniques. KNIME is distinct in its open approach, which ensures easy adoption and future-proof access to new technologies. Learn more at

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