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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Stories: Individuals Investigate with Data Visualization

Dog walking, pizza eating, and apartment hunting -- the data enthusiasts of the Internet can turn anything into a fun data visualization.


Wandering Paws

plot my paws

Craig Taylor is a data visualization professional, but his experiments with tracking and plotting the movement of his dog Bryn were done in his spare time. What else could you learn from tracking this type of movement?


Pizza Ratios


This simple chart, found on Reddit, demonstrates the value of different pizza diameters. In a comment, the creator describes the everyday curiosity that prompted his investigation.


Moving to the Big City

Rent chart

Frustrated with looking for a new place to live? So was self-described data enthusiast Erik Webb. In a blog post, he explains how he obtained and plotted NYC apartment data by ZIP code and number of bedrooms.


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