TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Entry-Level Data Science, Machine Learning and Data Quality, Statistics to Learn

Why there are few entry-level jobs in data science, how vendors say machine learning will cleanse data, and which statistical techniques are most important in data science.


No Such Thing as a First Job in Data Science?

Data science requires a large amount of varied experience and knowledge, so there aren't many positions for those just starting out.

Read more at Inside Big Data

Can Machine Learning Fix Poor Data Quality?

Vendors are making impressive claims, but can the latest technologies really help cleanse poorly maintained data?

Read more at ZDNet

Data Science: 10 Key Techniques

Here are 10 statistical techniques that you should understand if you want to move into the data science space.

Read more at KD Nuggets

About the Author

Lindsay Stares is a production editor at TDWI. You can contact her here.

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