TDWI Articles

Data Stories: Patterns in Births, Fertility, and Birthdays

These visualizations will help you understand when babies are born, the myths around weather and pregnancy, and the birthday paradox.

Human Birth Patterns

Scientific American 

In the U.S., many babies are born via planned C-section. In this article from Scientific American, a data visualization engineer examines patterns in different types of births.


Do Events Inspire Mini Baby Booms?

The Pudding 

Have you ever heard that a major blizzard or hurricane was followed, nine months later, by a spike in births? This investigation from The Pudding shows no actual correlation. Scroll through the article for their notable findings, and then explore the interactive graphic on your own.


Probability, Coincidence, and Birthdays

Birthday Probability 

Need a quick refresher on probability? You’re probably familiar with the birthday paradox -- the surprisingly high probability that two people will share a birthday, given a group of a certain size. Computer scientist Kenneth Moreland took this one step further on his blog with a simulation that calculates the probability that three or more people will share a birthday.


About the Author

Lindsay Stares is a production editor at TDWI. You can contact her here.

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