Hackolade Announces Next-Generation Data Modeling Software

New tool is compatible with most recent MongoDB features and MongoDB cloud service.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Hackolade, a pioneer for data modeling for NoSQL and multimodel databases, has announced Hackolade version 1.7, a new release of its data modeling software. It supports both MongoDB version 3.4 and MongoDB Atlas, its cloud-hosted database-as-a-service. This next-gen data modeling tool helps in proper representation of physical data models for MongoDB collections and views.

Hackolade version 1.7 supports MongoDB’s latest features including read-only views. This new Hackolade version also supports collation, indexing, and sharding parameters.

The application is designed for functional analysts, designers, architects, and database administrators (DBAs). Typically, only developers are comfortable looking at application code to figure out how data storage is organized, but other project stakeholders also need to understand the underlying data structure. This is now possible with Hackolade, thanks to a user-friendly graphical interface and flexible HTML model documentation.

A data model created using Hackolade is the visual blueprint for an application. The output of Hackolade is the equivalent of the CAD printout produced by an architect before building or renovating a house. The blueprint enables a discussion with the client about how rooms in the house will be laid out. It also allows the architect to discuss the plan with the building contractor, and it is the reference document for the bricklayer. Without Hackolade, it's as if the architect only had words to describe the design to the customer and the bricklayer, which is obviously not productive, not collaborative, and quite risky. Hackolade’s new software tool solves all these problems.

Hackolade’s data modeling software tool for MongoDB is now available for purchase. Hackolade is also available as a free community edition and a free 14-day trial.

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