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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Best of Upside’s Data Digest

Articles discuss why more data doesn’t lead to better decisions, biometric data, embracing governance, dealing with data complexity, and Internet of Things security.

Making Governance More than a Chore
(Source: Datanami)

Governance is viewed by many enterprises as a chore, often done only sporadically or after the fact. However, a different approach to governance can enable more efficient data integration and quicker analysis.

Too Much Data Doesn't Lead to Better Decisions
(Source: Harvard Business Review)

Often the proposed response to problems in the enterprise is merely to gather more data. Instead, think strategically about what data you need and how it fits together.

Using Biometric Data
(Source: Information Age)

New IoT devices and other technologies are increasing the availability of biometric and emotional data. If you are going to start collecting and using this data, success might hinge on protecting your customers.

Solving Data Complexity Challenges
(Source: Forbes)

With the amount of disparate data many enterprises now collect, data complexity has increased to a difficult point. Up-to-date analytics systems are needed for efficient and accurate decision making.

BI Now A Necessity, Not A Choice
(Source: Business 2 Community)

Collecting and analyzing data has become simple enough that an enterprise without a BI strategy is undoubtedly falling behind. This upcoming year will prove that BI is now a necessity.

Complete Security Overhaul Required in IoT
(Source: Dark Reading)

Passwords do not cut it anymore. A complete change in security methodology for IoT is required to prevent future botnet attacks.

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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