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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Best of Upside’s Data Digest

Articles examine what data scientists do, how to use machine learning to improve your data center, 7 tools for better data visualizations, and analyzing data in-house.

Breaking Down the Data Scientist Job (Source: Computer World)
This article interviews three working data scientists to answer the question "what does a data scientist do?"

Boost Your Data Center with Machine Learning (Source: Cloud Tech)
With increasing cloud storage comes more huge data centers. Ironically, many of these facilities are still designed and run without the help of advanced analytics. This article explains how machine learning and other analytics techniques can be used to improve data center function.

7 Tools for Better Visualizations (Source: Business 2 Community)
This article gives a quick explanation of the benefits of data visualization before introducing seven of the best visualization tools.

Improving Customer Databases with Analytics (Source: Mad Marketer)
A well-kept database is vital for an enterprise but keeping databases in good shape is difficult. This article offers guidance on how data analytics can enhance customer databases.

Small Businesses: Analyze In-House, Don’t Outsource (Source: Small Biz Trends)
Big data is an opportunity for enterprises of all sizes, but this article points out that smaller businesses can and should attempt data analytics in-house with the growing number of analytics tools.

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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