TDWI Articles

Data Stories: The History and Modern State of Data Journalism

These articles explore modern data journalism -- how charts in the newspaper have changed, the growth of interactive visualizations, and the importance of data storytelling for news organizations.

The History of Charts in the News

History of Charts - Priceonomics

Priceonomics investigates how charts and data first started being printed in newspapers. The author calculated the rate that charts have been published in the New York Times and includes a selection of examples from over the years, as well as information about the overall history of data visualization.


The Rise of Interactive Data Journalism

Polygraph on Medium

Matthew Daniels of Polygraph provides another perspective in this Medium post. He discusses how information is being conveyed to readers today in new and innovative ways because so many people with a specialty in code or data are working in journalism.


The New Graphics Team Model

 Creating the WSJ Graphics Team

This article by the graphics director at The Wall Street Journal details the creation of a modern data storytelling team. The author describes the benefits of integrating the print and online teams and the rise of data-first stories.

About the Author

Lindsay Stares is a production editor at TDWI. You can contact her here.

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