TDWI Articles

Data Digest: IoT Essentials, IoT on the Edge, Benefits of Self-Service Data Prep

Today’s articles discuss essential facts you might not know about IoT, how IoT data is increasing the need for edge analytics, and why self-service data prep will help you get the most out of self-service BI.

The 411 on IoT

Tech leaders lay out the most essential facts you might not know about the Internet of Things in this short, useful article.

Read more at Forbes

Analytics on the Edge of IoT

The vast amounts of data sensors can collect has started a trend away from central analysis to edge analytics. This article examines that movement towards the edge and what it means for the enterprise.

Read more at Kdnuggets

Self-Service BI Needs Self-Service Data Prep

Self-service BI tools can help many industries make more data-driven decisions, but you also need self-service data prep for best results.

Read more at Dataversity

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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