TDWI Articles

Data Digest: IoT Recommendations -- Object Storage, Playing to Your Strengths, Designing Strategy

Read how object storage might help manage IoT data, why IoT success isn’t dependent on owning an ecosystem, and how to develop and implement a great IoT strategy

Implementing Object Storage for IoT Data

The amount of data created daily is growing thanks to IoT. This article suggests implementing a new storage system, object storage, to efficiently handle IoT data.

Read more at IT Pro Portal

Find Niches, Not Ecosystems, to Win in the IoT

Enterprises that are determined to supply everything (i.e., hardware, software, apps, peripherals) in a particular "ecosystem" are likely to spread themselves too thin. This article uses a case study to explain why an enterprise should consider its strengths when deciding whether to focus on IoT devices, affiliated software, or other connected components.

Read more at TechRepublic

The Path to a Better IoT Strategy

This article is a 10-step guide to implementing an enterprise-level IoT strategy.

Read more at Forbes

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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