TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Cybersecurity: Predictive Analytics, Proactive Measures, and Cloud Computing

Read how predictive analytics may help detect and predict data breaches, why what you don’t know can hurt your cybersecurity, and what enterprises should fix about their cloud security.

Using Predictive Analytics in Cybersecurity

Given enough data and the right algorithms, predictive analytics can change the way enterprises approach many problems. This article explains how advances in predictive analytics and machine learning can help predict and detect cybersecurity attacks.

Read more at TechCrunch

Security Must Protect the Unknown

Making assumptions about the safety of data or encryption can lead to security breaches. According to this article, seeking information about what you don't know -- what data and processes are invisible, what avenues of access aren't being monitored -- allows you to develop effective, proactive security.

Read more at Dark Reading

Security Headaches Still Follow Cloud Adoption

Even as more enterprises embrace cloud solutions, a recent study shows that in many cases appropriate security measures are not in place to protect data in the cloud.

Read more at Computer Weekly

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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