TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Manage Big Data with Machine Learning, Relationship-Building Customer Analytics, and Better Security

In today’s digest, learn to handle the flood of unstructured data, appear nurturing rather than creepy when using big data, and check the security and governance of big data.

Keep Pace with Data through Machine Learning

The amount of data in the world is growing exponentially. Many enterprises have reached information overload due to this flood of data, especially unstructured data. This article explains why machine learning and predictive analytics are the best ways to keep up with the speed of new information.

Read more at IT Pro Portal

How to Avoid Scaring Customers With Big Data

One of the best applications for big data is improving the customer experience. However, many consumers are wary of giving personal information to faceless enterprises. This article demonstrates three ways your enterprise can use analytics to be nurturing and responsive instead of seeming like Big Brother.

Read more at Forbes

Make Sure Your Big Data is Secure

Most articles giving advice on big data analytics recommend asking the correct questions of the data. Securing big data is just as complicated and important as analyzing it, and this article gives you a list of questions you should ask to check big data security and governance at your enterprise.

Read more at Dark Reading

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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