TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Data Storytelling, Visualizations, and Choosing a BI Tool

Why data analysts must be data storytellers, plus innovative visualizations and 5 essential elements of a good BI tool.

Why Storytelling is Imperative for Data Science

The democratization of data analytics and data science will not stop soon; according to this author, soon everyone will have to be a data storyteller as well. This article explains what led to this shift and how your enterprise can keep up.

Read more at Forbes

The Importance of Innovative Data Visualizations

This author is frustrated with a recent trend of criticism against visualizations that are not simple line or bar graphs. The article also praises well-done innovative visualizations and gives tips on how you can make data visualizations both interesting and accurate.

Read more at Computer World

What You Need from a Modern BI Tool

There are many business intelligence tools on the market, so how do you begin whittling down the list? This article describes five essential elements to a good BI tool and explains the importance of each one, giving examples of BI tools that meet these criteria.

Read more at Entrepreneur

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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