TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Top Big Data Technologies, Analytics and Smaller Data Centers, and a History of the Data Scientist

Articles look at a recent Forrester report on the Top 10 new big data technologies, explain the shift from centralized data centers to smaller ones and the effect on data analytics, and a history of the data scientist.

The Next Wave of Big Data Tech

Big data's hype cycle may be over, but the innovations enterprises are making with it in mind certainly are not. This article summarizes a recent Forrester report on the Top 10 new big data technologies and gives its own opinion on each.

Read more at Forbes

Unlock the Potential of Micro-Services Architecture

The trend to shift from having one large centralized data center to using many smaller support structures offers greater flexibility and agility if enterprises take full advantage of it. This article covers exactly how to take full advantage of this shift in structure by getting effective data analytics as well.

Read more at Huffington Post

How the Data Scientist Came to Be

The term data scientist is relatively new, but the idea behind the job has been around forever. This article traces from the roots of the data scientist to the modern permutation as a way of reminding current data scientists what they should be doing in their job.

Read more at Kdnuggets

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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