TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Focus on Data Analytics, Big Data

When and why you can trust insights from your data analytics, plus benefits and challenges of big data and creating a big data strategy.

Pillars of Trust Required for Effective Data Analytics

Data analytics is absolutely crucial to enterprises today. The insight gained from big data is used to make a wide range of decisions. Yet, how much can you trust that insight or data analytics in general? This article examines when and why you can trust insight from data analytics.

Read more at Kdnuggets

Big Data Benefits and Challenges

There's still plenty of confusion surrounding big data partially because of how hyped it was. Plenty of enterprises jumped on the bandwagon without knowing what they signed up for. This article provides a quick overview of all the benefits and challenges of big data. It also gives a quick appraisal of all mainstream big data tools.

Read more at Lifehacker Australia

Proper Prioritization in Big Data Strategy

It is easy to get lost in the enormous world of big data. If your enterprise does not have a strategy coming in, it may never come out with the supposed benefits of big data. This article reviews what the main priorities of an enterprise should be when coming up with a big data strategy.


About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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