Data Digest: Where's Your Data, Prep Data Scientist, and Diving into Data Lakes

A call for a new enterprise infrastructure focused on easy access to all collected data, hiring a prep scientist, and the dangers of diving into a data lake without a plan.

Do You Know Where Your Data Is?
(Source: Database)

The larger the amount of data your enterprise collects, the more important it is to know where each specific morsel of data is. If you do not know where a certain piece of data is in your warehouse, it might as well not exist. This article calls for a new enterprise infrastructure that is focused on easy access to all collected data.

Hiring a Prep Data Scientist to Boost Your Team’s Productivity
(Source: Tech Republic)

Data scientists, according to most enterprises, have not lived up to their hype. However, this is partially because their main job isn’t analyzing data; 80 percent of the time they are preparing data. The remedy, this article says, is a “new” position, the sous data scientist, who prepares data for the lead data scientist to analyze.


Don’t Dive into the Data Lake without a Plan
(Source: Inside Big Data)

Big data should deliver insight faster than any other method for BI, but many enterprises still struggle with it. This article explains that the troubles come from drowning in the data lakes; enterprises have so much data they do not know what to do with it once they have it. Rather than waiting until after collecting data to make a strategy, perhaps enterprises should make a strategy before building up their data lakes.

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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