TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Streaming Analytics, Data Security Threats, and Improving MDM

Streaming analytics in depth, plus what data is threatened and how to improve master data management.

A Comprehensive Look at Streaming Analytics
(Source: O’Reilly Radar)

Real-time analytics is poised to become the future of big data, as analyzing while receiving data is going to be the only way to keep up. This article is the second part in a series about streaming analytics and goes in-depth on a number of topics within that banner.


Data Security: What is Threatened?
(Source: Data Center Knowledge)

With how sophisticated hacking has become, it is difficult to know what part of the enterprise you actually must be protecting. The nine main challenges in data security is the main focus of this article, but then it opens up to give tips with dealing with these challenges as well.


How to Improve Master Data Management
(Source: IT Pro Portal)

Data consistency and data quality are important parts of big data. Without either, you will not be able to analyze accurately. Achieving greatness in both takes good master data management (MDM), and this article offers advice to improve your MDM.

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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