Data Digest: Data Classification Problems, Bias-Free Big Data, Creating Clean Data

Results of a survey is a wake-up call for enterprises, plus the connection between big data use and smart gambling, and creating and maintaining clean data.

Survey Shows Bad Data Classification Leads to Huge Problems
(Source: Computer Weekly)

A recent survey found that over half of the data collected by UK and European enterprises was “dark,” unidentified data. This problem extends to most U.S. enterprises as well. This article discusses the results of the survey which is a wake-up call for enterprises to stop spending money and storage space on unidentifiable, useless, and potentially non-compliant data.


Cash in on Big Data without Bias
(Source: Datanami)

Successful use of big data and smart gambling have surprisingly similar strategies, according to this article. Being able to separate the outcome from the right decision is what enterprises must do in the casino as well as with big data.


Creating and Maintaining Clean Data
(Source: Business 2 Community)

Bad, unclean data is useless. However, polishing your data into something useable is tough. This article gives ten top tips for creating a clean CRM, but these tips can be extrapolated to keeping clean databases no matter what the form is.

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Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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