Data Digest: Data Samplng, Virtualization's Future, and Fighting Back with Active Defense

Working with just part of your data can hide key insights. Plus, the future of desktop virtualization and fighting against data breaches.

Small Sample Size Hampers Big Data Analysis
(Source: Datanami)

Big data’s most useful aspect is the sheer amount of information it can contain in a large sample size. However, data analytics is being performed on incomplete sets of data and thus the big data collected is not being used to the fullest. This article explains how you can analyze bigger datasets for maximum gain and the value of predictive models.


Desktop Virtualization: Fad or Future?
(Source: Computer Weekly)

Virtualization of the desktop is not perfect for every enterprise in the same sense that virtualizing servers is almost always more efficient. This article explores the power of virtualization and what your enterprise should consider before you go virtual.


Fighting Back Against Hackers with Active Defense
(Source: Information Week)

Recent news of increasing numbers of data breaches is driving enterprises to find the best in security systems. However, one aspect of a cyber-defense not often considered anymore is an active defense setup working in conjunction with traditional defenses. This article explains the power of such an active arrangement.

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Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at     

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