Datapipe and FortyCloud Enhance AWS Security for the Enterprise

Two-factor VPN authentication plus cloud network firewall improves security, access, and control over the public cloud.

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Datapipe today introduced a new security collaboration with FortyCloud to help enterprises secure Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. The Datapipe – FortyCloud solution, called 2Factor Secure Cloud Access, integrates Datapipe’s two-factor authentication service, Datapipe Auth, with FortyCloud’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) security model to deliver enhanced security, access and control to clients operating AWS environments, which allows for easier, more secure remote access of public cloud operations.

 Key benefits of 2Factor Secure Cloud Access include:

  • Improved security practices: Two-factor authentication puts a stop to common hacking practices such as brute force or password phishing by removing the risk of password compromise leading to unauthorized access

  • Secure remote access to the cloud: AWS users can now access data securely, regardless of their location, through Datapipe Auth combined with a secure encrypted VPN for remote access to AWS cloud resources

  • Enhanced manageability and control: Customer administrators can control, monitor, and report on employee remote access; the Datapipe Auth portal also enables role based access, allowing clients to define roles for users and dynamically enforce access rights within AWS

  • Greater compliance: 2Factor Secure Cloud Access addresses numerous PCI DSS requirements such as two-factor authentication for remote access, secure remote access technologies using VPN, disabling of inactive users within 90 days, and limiting access based on employee role

Integrating Datapipe Auth and FortyCloud

FortyCloud’s security offering combines software-defined networking (SDN) and software-defined security (SDS) technologies. It includes necessary IT security elements such as AAA, encryption, and firewall, in addition to identity-based access management and VPN. FortyCloud emulates the security standards of a private cloud in a public cloud environment by building a new software-defined private network over any cloud infrastructure deployment, and layering firewall and automation capabilities on top of it.

By adding Datapipe Auth to FortyCloud, clients are provided an extra layer of security by using two identification methods that verify a user’s identity and automatically enforce permissions to access remote systems, based on the industry standard RADIUS. Client administrators can manage users and tokens directly to assign and restrict access permissions, allowing for a greater level of user control. In addition, Datapipe and FortyCloud users can access their data from anywhere leveraging native operating system VPNs, and by installing the Datapipe Auth Token Manager application, available via a desktop computer or mobile phone. The token application is available on mobile stores including the Apple Store and Google Play.

For more information on Datapipe Auth, visit

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