Data Digest: Big Data Quality, not Quantity; Smart Options for Data Retention
Big data is more than about quantity, plus how to choose a data retention strategy.
Collecting Big Data: Quality, not Quantity
(Source: Tech Crunch)
Too many enterprises are focusing on collecting data first and asking questions later. Most of these enterprises are getting flooded with the amount of garbage data they collect and cannot analyze effectively. This article provides ideas for sharpening your data collection and cleansing to usability.
Smart Options for Retaining Enterprise Data
(Source: ZD Net)
Federal laws for data can be incomprehensible, so it can be hard to understand what data you need to retain and what you can dump. Furthermore, retaining so much data is difficult. This article explains several choices for data-retaining hardware helps you figure out what data you should retain.
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Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at