Data Digest: Hiring Data Scientiests, Dealing with Petabytes of Data, and Keeping Data Safe

Tricks for hiring the right data scientist plus storing large amounts of data and doing it safely.

Finding the Perfect Data Scientist
(Source: The Next Web)

As more enterprises become data-driven, more data scientists are needed to guide them toward the future. Finding the best data scientist for your specific niche can be hard to do.  This article offers several tricks for finding the right person for the job.

Prevent Breaches in the Cloud with these 6 Tips
(Source: CIO)

Keeping data safe in the cloud sometimes seems impossible given all the reports of breaches in the news. However, that doesn’t mean it is impossible. Follow these simple pointers to keep your data safe in the cloud.

The Best Way to Store Petabytes of Data is Object Storage
(Source: Information Age)

As more data is stored in the cloud and today’s systems aren’t efficient enough to keep up, enterprises are turning to object storage.  This article is a primer about that storage future.

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Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at


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